Over the past two decades, during my career as an astronomer and more recently as a data scientist, I have consistently encountered workplace challenges that are intrinsically linked to being, quite often, the sole woman in a given professional setting. I've always been an outspoken individual, standing tall and expressing myself with clarity and confidence. Nonetheless, I have frequently found myself in situations where my voice is not given the attention it deserves. My name is often not committed to memory as quickly as those of my male counterparts. Regrettably, my ideas are sometimes not acknowledged to the same degree as those of others, or worse, they are attributed to someone else entirely. When you possess intelligence and a strong desire to contribute, navigating these circumstances can be profoundly challenging. It can be exasperating and, unquestionably, unjust.

Addressing these challenges and finding effective solutions is highly context-dependent, contingent on the specific environment and situation you find yourself in. Throughout my journey as a scientist, I have honed an array of tools and strategies to navigate diverse scenarios. However, the first step toward achieving a higher quality of life is recognizing the issues that surround you. To facilitate this awareness, I recommend the following readings: